(a) No learner will be refused admission on the grounds that his or her parent-

is unable to pay or has not paid the school fees determined by the governing body;
has refused to enter into a contract in terms of which the parent waives any claim for damages arising out of the education of the learner.

(b) Exam results will not be withheld if school fees are in arrears.

(c) In the event of action being taken against a parent, such action should not prejudice the learner.

(d) No test relating to the admission of a learner will be administered except in the following case:

Transferred learners with special education needs, to determine where they should be placed in the absence of the necessary documentation
regarding placement.

(e) Learners (special classes) will be required to furnish additional documentation pertaining to psychological and other tests, as also evidence
showing exactly to which level such learners have progressed.